This project aims to contribute to a more active implementation of the policy for transfer to electronic administrative services in Radomir municipality and performing actions in support of the municipal administration.
To achieve the general goal, three specific objectives were formulated:
- to establish which municipal services are most frequently used by the residents of Radomir Municipality, with a focus on people with restricted mobility (elderly people and people with disabilities)
- to establish what impedes the residents of Radomir Municipality and people with restricted mobility in particular to use e-administrative services
- to raise the awareness and increase the interest of the local residents to the e-administrative services.
Project poster
Centre for Immigration and Integration (CII) in partnership with Foundation Art Initiatives launched the implementation of project Digital Volunteers with the financial support of Operational Programme Good Governance, co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund.
Results of the survey
The survey results can be accessed in this presentation in Bulgarian.
This project aims to contribute to more active use of the electronic administrative services provided by the Radomir Municipality and will perform activities in support of the municipal administration.
The project is implemented by Foundation Art Initiatives in partnership with Centre for Immigration and Integration with the financial support of OP Good Governance, ESF.
Project Digital Volunteers presented the results of its survey
On 13 February at 11:00 a.m. project Digital Volunteers presented the results of its survey of the most often used administrative services in Radomir Municipality. During the online presentation Ms. Trifonova representing the partner organization CII provided examples of how to improve the provision of electronic administrative services and the impediments to their use that the research team identified.
Documentary review of attitudes to information technologies and digitalization conducted in other European countries
Survey methodology
Analysis of the types of difficulties citizens experience while using electronic administrative services
Analysis of the types of difficulties citizens experience while using electronic administrative services in Radimir Municipality and recommendations based on the survey and analysis.
Recommendations based on the survey and analysis in Bulgarian
Guide for volunteers
The volunteers’ task is to provide on-the-spot individual assistance to people living in the villages of the Radomir Municipality for using e-services.
This Guide contains instructions for demonstration and training of people with limited digital skills how to use electronic administrative services. The Guide is available only in Bulgarian.
Оценка на доброволческата акция
Целта на доброволческата акция беше да повиши информираността и интереса на местните жители към електронните общински административни услуги чрез формиране на група доброволци, които да показват е-услугите на хората на място. Доброволческата акция беше проведена в периода октомври – декември 2023 г. в села на територията на община Радомир. Доброволците оказаха съдействие на жителите на селата да се запознаят с възможностите, които им предоставят е-услугите, да изпробват употребата им и да се уверят в техните предимства.