Interactive online archive of the development of Republic of Bulgaria’s Constitution


One of the results of Activity 1 of project Constitutional Model of the Judicial System – experience and perspectives is an interactive online archive of the development of Republic of Bulgaria’s Constitution with an easy access. The collected data will facilitate the system modernisation process and the monitoring of the judicial reform by providing a chronology of the achievements. The archive can be reached on civil platform for monitoring and evaluation of the judicial system.

Project Constitutional Model of the Judicial System – experience and perspectives is a joint initiative of Centre for Policy Modernisation (CPM) and Centre for Immigration and Integration (CII), financed by Operational Programme Good Governance, Grant Agreement № BG05SFOP001-3.003-0126-С01/03.02.2021.

CPM and CII believe that the proactive inclusion of the civil sector in the development, monitoring and evaluation of the judicial system reform strategies will have a direct impact on increased civic control of the reform, its quality and trust in the judiciary. Currently a debate of amendments to the Constitution is on the agenda in the context of a strongly polarised society. To enable informed participation in the debate and active civic control of the quality of the proposed amendments it is very important to generate knowledge of the accumulated experience since the creation of the new Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria and the judicial system model in it that occurred at specific moments in the 30-year period of functioning of the Constitution to the paths and perspective the system has ahead of it.


This document was produced under project Constitutional Model of the Judicial System – experience and perspectives, financed by Operational Programme Good Governance, Grant Agreement № BG05SFOP001-3.003-0126-С01/03.02.2021.

Centre for Policy Modernisation (CPM) foundation and Centre for Immigration and Integration (CII) foundation are fully and exclusively responsible for the content of this document and it cannot by any means be assumed to reflect an official position of the European Union or the Managing Authority of Operational Programme Good Governance.