Foundation PRISMA – Engagement and Innovation in partnership with Center for Policy Modernization and Center for Immigration and Integration begins work on project Civil Profiles of Key Institutions with the financial support of Operational Programme Good Governance, co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund.
The project aims to raise the public awareness and increase the engagement of citizens and civic organisations with the functioning of the public institutions and to design a complex analytical framework to measure the main components of their effectiveness – institutional organization, fields of competence and environmental imprint.
The total project value is 55 491,48 BGN, of which 47 167,76 BGN European funding and 8 323,72 BGN national co-financing.
More information about the project can be found in UMIS 2020.
Project poster
Poster promoting the objectives of project Civil Profiles of Key Institutions. This project is implemented by Foundation PRISMA – Engagement and Innovation in partnership with Center for Policy Modernization and Center for Immigration and Integration with the financial support of ESF, OP Good Governance.
Methodological tool “Complex analytical framework for measuring the main components defining public institutions’effectiveness and efficiency”
Създадени са 40 граждански профили на публични институции
В рамките на проект „Граждански профили на ключови институции“ бяха създадени граждански профили на 40 публични институции.
Проектът цели да допринесе за увеличаване на информираността и ангажираността на гражданите и гражданските организации за функционирането на публичните институции, както и създаване на комплексна аналитична рамка за измерване на основни компоненти, определящи тяхната ефективност – институционална организация, области на компетентност и екологичен отпечатък.